Prints binary representations of IEEE 754 FP numbers.
For example the command
ieeefloat 1 2 3 3.1415926536 -2.7 1e10 2e100 -1.2345678901234567890e-30prints
1 1: + 01111111111 [1.]0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1: + 01111111 [1.]00000000000000000000000 2 2: + 10000000000 [1.]0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2: + 10000000 [1.]00000000000000000000000 3 3: + 10000000000 [1.]1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3: + 10000000 [1.]10000000000000000000000 3.1415926536 3.1415926536000001: + 10000000000 [1.]1001001000011111101101010100010001001000011011100000 3.141593: + 10000000 [1.]10010010000111111011011 -2.7 -2.7000000000000002: - 10000000000 [1.]0101100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010 -2.7: - 10000000 [1.]01011001100110011001101 1e10 10000000000: + 10000100000 [1.]0010101000000101111100100000000000000000000000000000 1e+10: + 10100000 [1.]00101010000001011111001 2e100 2e+100: + 10101001100 [1.]0010010010011010110100100101100101001100001101111101 Inf: + 11111111 [1.]00000000000000000000000 -1.2345678901234567890e-30 -1.2345678901234568e-30: - 01110011011 [1.]1001000010100011111000110011110001101001101011000011 -1.234568e-30: - 00011011 [1.]10010000101000111110010
Here is the source. If you want to use the enclosed GNUmakefile, you will also need GNUmakerules and GNUmakevars, but you can simply compile the program by invoking the C compiler directly.
- ieeefloat-1.1.tar.gz 2003-07-17 (1.8k)
- Adds parameters to convert input to float and to control output format.
- ieeefloat-1.0.tar.gz 1998-03-20 (1.5k)